Frequently asked questions by investors and shareholders

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Where and when was Amcor incorporated?

Amcor Limited was incorporated on 27 November 1926 in New South Wales, Australia. On 11 June 2019 Amcor Ltd completed an all-stock transaction with Bemis Company, Inc. to form Amcor Plc which is incorporated in Jersey, Channel Islands.

What is Amcor's Business Number?

Jersey Registered Company Number: 126984
UK Establishment Number: BR020803
ARBN: 630 385 278

How many employees does Amcor have?

Amcor has approximately 41,000 employees globally.

Where can I obtain employment information at Amcor?

Details can be found in the Careers section of this website.

Where can I find out more about Amcor’s history?

Please see History. A book entitled The Spreading Tree by E.K. Sinclair was published in 1991 by Allen & Unwin. This publication contains information as far back as the late 19th Century and covers the company’s progress until the late 1980s.

Who do I contact regarding my CDI or shareholding?

Amcor's share registry is managed by Computershare Investor Services their contact details can be found here.

How do I update my CDI or shareholder details?

This must be done by contacting Computershare Investor Services. It is also possible to do this online if you have all your required CDI or shareholding details. More information regarding the available online services can be found in the Shareholder Services section of our website.

Who can assist me with CDI or share enquiries if I hold Amcor CDIs or shares and am not located in Australia?

Holders of Amcor CDIs or shares who are located overseas should contact the share registry, Computershare Investor Services.

Where can I get information on key financial dates such as results and other events?

These are provided in the Investor Calendar on this website.

When is Amcor’s next Annual General Meeting of Shareholders?

Please refer to the investor calendar.

How can I obtain information about Amcor’s financial results?

Please see the Financial Results section of this website.

Where can I find presentations made by Amcor executives?

Depending on when these were given and by whom, they are mostly available in Presentations section of the website. Those relating to the AGM can be found in the Annual General Meeting section and those relating to quarterly financial reporting can be found in the Financial Results section.

Where can I find copies of Press Releases?

These can be obtained from the Media Centre section of this website.

Does Amcor have a Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP)?

Amcor does not currently have a Dividend Reinvestment Plan.

Does Amcor pay a dividend on its shares?

Yes. The Amcor Board of Directors intends to declare dividends on a quarterly basis. A competitive, progressive dividend is an important component of annual shareholder returns for Amcor. Please see the Dividends section of this website for further details.

Are Amcor dividends franked and to what extent?

Since the Amcor parent entity, Amcor plc is not incorporated in Australia, franking is not applicable, and dividends are not franked.

What were Amcor’s Earnings per Share (EPS) last year?

Please see Amcor's latest financial information on the Financial Results section of the website and the Dividends section.

If I am thinking of buying Amcor CDIs or shares, who can I ask for information about this?

Amcor is happy to provide any publicly available information to prospective CDI or shareholders. This can be obtained by contacting us and requesting copies or through the extensive amount of information contained in this website. Amcor cannot, however, provide any advice or guidance. Amcor will counsel anyone thinking of investing in the stock market to seek professional investment advice from a licensed advisor.

What exchanges do Amcor securities trade on?

Amcor has a primary listing on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and a Foreign Exempt Listing via CDIs on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). All shares are recorded on the principal share register of Amcor Plc, located in Jersey, Channel Islands.

Notes issued under Amcor's €2,000,000,000 Euro Medium Term Note Program are listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange.

What is Amcor’s ticker symbol?

Ordinary shares on the NYSE | « AMCR »
CDIs on the ASX | « AMC »

What are Amcor’s Credit Ratings?

Please see Amcor’s Credit Ratings.

What are CDIs?

CDIs, or Chess Depositary Interests, are instruments through which shares of foreign companies can be traded on the ASX. Each CDI represents a beneficial interest in one Amcor share.

What is the difference between Amcor Shares and Amcor CDI’s?

Amcor shares are fully paid ordinary shares in the capital of Amcor. They are listed and traded on the NYSE in US dollars.

An Amcor CDI has rights that are economically equivalent to the rights attaching to an Amcor share. They are quoted and traded on the ASX in Australian dollars.

Who is Amcor's CEO?

Mr Peter Konieczny is Amcor's Chief Executive Officer (CEO). He joined Amcor in 2010 and was appointed to his current role in 2024. See here for further information on Amcor's Senior Executive team.

Who are the members of Amcor’s Board of Directors?

Please see the Amcor’s Board of Directors page.

Who is Amcor’s Independent Auditor?

Amcor’s external auditor is PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Has the Company published a code of ethics or ethical policy setting out its values and governing the conduct of its employees?

Yes. The current Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy can be found on the Policies page of the website. Further information about Amcor's Corporate ethics and feedback can be found here.

What is Amcor doing in order to be considered a good corporate citizen in relation to our environment?

This part of Corporate Citizenship is extremely important to Amcor. This important matter is covered extensively in this website and in other reports which we release from time to time. Please see the Sustainability section of this website for more information.

What is Amcor doing about other aspects of environmental impact and recycling?

Our approach to Sustainability, Responsible Packaging and our environmental performance are detailed in the Sustainability section of this website.

Does Amcor have an Environment Policy?

Yes. Amcor’s Environment Policy applies to 100% of Amcor’s operations and Amcor is a signatory to the National Packaging Covenant in Australia. The Environment policy along with other related policies can be found here.

What is Amcor’s position on equal opportunity in the workplace?

Amcor follows a policy of non discrimination in the workplace. Our people are our most valuable asset and we consider that we provide excellent opportunities for all our people. Please refer to Careers section for further details.

Does Amcor have a policy to respect all ILO core labour standards globally?

Amcor respects the rights of all individuals and this is reflected in all our standards and policies, having regard to the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. Our Corporate Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy covers human rights, amongst other things, and annually Amcor publishes a Modern Slavery Statement. All Amcor's policies can be found here.

Does the company make provisions for regular audits of health and safety performance?

Yes. Amcor health and safety performance is reported in the Sustainability Report. Which can be found in the Sustainabilty section of our website.

Where can I obtain further information about the different types of packaging made by Amcor?

Please see the Products and Services section of this website for information on specific Amcor products and services.

How do I calculate my capital proceeds under the Amcor Limited scheme of arrangement for Australian income tax purposes?

On 11 June 2019, Amcor plc acquired all the shares in Amcor Limited by way of scheme of arrangement. Amcor Limited shareholders received one Amcor plc share or CDI for each Amcor Limited share they held.

As confirmed in the Class Ruling announced to ASX on 26 June 2019, a shareholder makes a capital gain if the capital proceeds from their disposal of their Amcor Limited share exceeds its cost base. A shareholder makes a capital loss if the capital proceeds from the disposal of their Amcor limited share are less than its reduced cost base. This should not be relevant if the shareholder chooses scrip for scrip roll-over. Paragraph 18 of the Class Ruling states that the capital proceeds are equal to the market value of the Amcor plc share or CDI received on the Implementation Date. This market value should be determined by reference to the last closing price of the shares on the Implementation Date, which was US$11.18 for Amcor plc share and AUD$16.00 for a CDI.

Documents relating to the transaction can be found in the Presentations section of the website under the years 2018 and 2019.